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Are you passionate about freedom as a fundamental principle of society? Our libertarian catalog combines products that celebrate critical thinking and personal autonomy, ideal for those who believe that freedom is the ultimate gift. Discover unique accessories and T-shirts with libertarian iconic phrases — including references to Milei— . Each item reflects a commitment to a world where individual sovereignty and free markets are the foundation of a prosperous society. Explore more at Milei Shop!
¡ViVA LA Libertad CArajo! the anarcho-capitalist cry of milei
Anarcho-capitalism is a philosophical and political current that promotes the elimination of the state and the creation of a society based on free competition and respect for private property. Unlike communism, which advocates collective ownership and centralization of power, anarcho-capitalism believes that free markets and voluntary contracts between individuals can ensure welfare and social justice without the need for state authority. Figures such as Milei have renewed attention to these ideas, emphasizing the power of markets and individual sovereignty. Among its positive qualities, anarcho-capitalism emphasizes absolute respect for individual liberties, the efficiency of markets in allocating resources, and the ability of citizens to organize themselves in a decentralized manner. Milei and other advocates argue that, through competition, individuals have the power to decide their economic future, which fosters innovation and development without coercive government intervention, something that distinguishes anarcho-capitalism from collectivist proposals.
Milei's definition of liberalism for Argentina:
Liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the life project of others, based on the principle of non-aggression, in defense of the right to life, liberty and property, whose fundamental institutions are private property, markets free from state intervention, free competition, division of labor and social cooperation.
Alberto Benegas Lynch Jr.