About Us

Welcome to our free-spirited and unapologetic tribe

First things first, we have to confess something: we weren’t always like this. There was a time when our discussions revolved around endless assemblies and graffiti on walls; yes, we once walked the paths of Trotskyism and Peronism. We fervently believed in changing the world from an "enlightened vanguard," yet we couldn’t even agree on what to order for lunch.

A transformation thanks to great ideas

Everything changed thanks to a delightful cocktail of disruptive ideas, served by thinkers and entrepreneurs who dared to break the mold. Antonio Escohotado taught us that questioning everything, even our own convictions, was the first step toward freedom. Miguel Anxo Bastos and Jesús Huerta de Soto introduced us to Austrian economics on a silver platter (and in a way that even we could understand). Axel Kaiser and Juan Ramón Rallo showed us that the cultural battle is won with clear ideas and solid arguments. Javier Milei shook us with his explosive passion, while entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Ray Dalio inspired us to look beyond utopias and create real solutions in the capitalist market.

Humor, empathy, and great stories

And what about Seth Godin and Dale Carnegie? They taught us how to connect with people because, if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that freedom spreads best through humor, empathy, and good storytelling.

Our mission and our store

Today, we are a group of people passionate about the ideas of liberalism, committed to sharing them in a simple and relatable way. We believe that the capitalist market is a powerful tool for solving problems and fostering creativity. That’s why we also run this private enterprise, the online store www.milei.store, a space where style and anarcho-capitalist freedom come together.

A journey toward freedom!

If you’ve ever wrestled with yourself over what to believe and how to act, don’t worry, we get it. The truth is, we’ve been there too. But we discovered that instead of getting stuck in endless debates, we could take action and build something better.

So join us on this journey! We don’t promise definitive answers, but we do promise a good dose of irony, humor, and, above all, action to move toward a freer and more creative world. Long live freedom!

Welcome to our revolution

Welcome to the most fun and market-friendly revolution you could ever imagine. This is just the beginning!